Yachak Yerba Mate
10' Inflatable Can Replicas
Colorful Creations
Want to get attention by any means necessary? Well, why not try using bright and vibrant colors? Think of a Peacock. Those birds get a ton of attention because of their bright and colorful plumage. These huge inflatable can replicas for Yachak Yerba Mate feature a fully printed base, with wonderful patterns and bright colors throughout.
Real Replicas
A replica needs to be accurate, and we take that very seriously at Promotional Design Group. We want to make sure a product replica comes out looking just like the real thing, only bigger. Our replicas take all dimensions into account, including logo and color accuracy. Simply provide us the vectorized artwork as well as PMS numbers, and we'll be right on track.
Increased Visibility
With a can like this, you want to make sure you put it somewhere where it's going to get noticed. Since these cans measure 10' in height, we're sure that if you put it on a rooftop or on the back of a pick up truck, you're sure to get some attention.