Universal Kia Hamster
Inflatable Replica: 25 Foot Inflatable Animal
One Giant Hamster
A huge humanoid hamster is always a good way to get some attention. Well, at least that's what the folks over at Universal Kia believed. This inflatable hamster replica is a massive reproduction of one of their hamsters driving around in those commercials. We're pretty sure that this big hamster will definitely get some attention.
Furry Fun
Our inflatables look so realistic that even the fur of this colossal hamster looks like it's soft and fuzzy. Well it's not. It's just printed, but it's printed in high resolution on durable material that's going to last. As much as we love hamsters, this hamster inflatable will probably outlive all the hamsters that are currently alive on this planet. Poor little creatures only live 2-3 years on average. Our inflatable comes with a 3-year warranty, but if you take care of it, it'll last much longer.
Inflatable Fusion
This inflatable hamster is holding a car logo, which is something we can do since everything is customizable. Feel free to get logos printed on the body too, like on its shirt. If the whole project gets printed, like this hamster, then take advantage of the space and throw some logos in there.