True Health New Mexico
Custom 3D Inflatable Logo Replica
Truly Unique
Looking to splash up your next event? Get a 3D inflatable logo to represent your company, like the True Health New Mexico logo that you see here.
Durable Yet Lightweight
While constructed out of heavy duty materials, this inflatable logo is surprisingly lightweight, and can be easily folded down to a very small size. The durable, yet lightweight construction allows you to take this inflatable virtually anywhere, without a hassle.
Thoughtful Construction
As with any project, we initially construct a 3D model using advanced 3D rendering programs. Once the model has been sculpted in a cyber, three-dimensional space, we then add the colors and custom artwork. We will then send you the rendering to see what you think. If you like it, we'll move to production. If you don't like it, we'll make the necessary changes to make sure you love it.
Brilliant Colors
This colorful inflatable logo was printed using the best printing techniques available in the industry. We also make sure to apply a protective UV coating that prevents the graphics from fading. On top of that, it's also NFPA certified fire retardant.