Suzuki Boat Engine
20' Inflatable Replica
Things aren't always so black and white, but with these two Suzuki boat engines, that seems to be the case. These gigantic boat engine replicas display stunning detail, from top to bottom. We spared no edge or crevice on this design. So if you're looking to impress potential customers, using a huge inflatable replica is a solid place to start.
The tremendous size of this boat engine makes it incredibly easy to spot. This massive inflatable will stick out even more if it's placed on a rooftop. Large inflatables are usually meant to call attention, and that's exactly what these will do.
Our digital printing process allows us to print high quality images in high resolution. After we print, we also coat the material with a special protective UV coating that prevents the artwork from fading. It's also 100% waterproof and NFPA certified fire retardant.