Energize your brand.
This custom inflatable can replica for Rockstar Energy is one giant way to advertise a best-selling drink. Rockstar Energy is a very well-known company and their products are at just about every event. They usually promote their products using a tent, but for their new outdoor campaigns they wanted to add something big. This 25′ inflatable can replica, true to its shape and design will immediately establish its presence. With its powerful and massive size, people from all directions will gravitate towards it.
Since Rockstar is so busy with events and promotions, they normally wouldn’t waste time installing a product of this size this, but since we made it so simple to set up they could literally do it a matter of minutes. All set-up accessories are included with every inflatable purchase. The commercial grade blower systems allow a speedy and safe set-up. The heavy duty metal D-rings ensure a secure and safe installation using the provided high tension ropes. Just make sure to tie it down to some weights or anchors so it doesn’t fly away and cause a disaster of any sort. Inflatables can fly away without a moment’s notice, so it’s always best to tie it down firmly.
One of the best parts about these inflatable can replicas is that they’re quick to manufacture. If you’re in need of a high volume run, we could accommodate. We can have multiple units ready within weeks. Our design team is also quick in making renderings. So if you’re looking to get a custom inflatable can like this Rockstar Energy drink, we could design it for free within hours. Give us a call and see what awesome renderings we can come up with just for you!
With all our inflatable product replicas, we make sure to print high quality images using the best in digital printing technology. We made sure to color match Rockstar’s brand colors accurately, using the PMS method. As long as we receive the artwork in the correct format, we could print high quality images that will look like exact blown up versions of the products themselves.
Custom inflatable can replica, made to last.