Nestle Pure Life
Inflatable Bottle Replica
Want to promote a new drink? Use a custom printed inflatable bottle replica to really let them know it's a promotion. This bottle was designed to look like the actual bottle. Our designers add another level of realism to product replicas so they can really stand out. An accurate product replica will get the proper attention it needs.
This fun little inflatable bottle simply connects to a power source and inflates in less than a minute. No joke. That is super fast inflation. Just plug it in, tie some ropes to it and you're good to go. The compact and convenient size allows anyone to carry and transport this prop anywhere humans can go.
Products with joyful messages inspire us to be happy and spread the love. This water bottle might make people that buy it more happy, and that's worth promoting. Set it up outside in rain or shine. Made from durable vinyl material, this inflatable can withstand days of continuous use.