Custom Inflatable Bottle Replicas
Looking to promote your newest alcoholic product? Our custom inflatable liquor bottles can definitely help boost your presence at your next event.
These fully printed inflatable replicas can be made to look exactly like your product, curves, details, and all. Our team of designers will make sure your product looks as real as possible. We'll even make you a few renderings for you to check out. We can design any product, any way you want.
PDG's commercial grade inflatables are designed and manufactured to last. Each one comes with a standard 3-year warranty. Not to be confused with store-bought inflatable replicas, these industrial quality inflatable props can take a lot more abuse than what's normally offered. Our inflatables are constructed using heavy duty vinyl coated polyester and nylon materials that are also fire retardant.
The best thing about inflatable replicas is that they are incredibly easy to set up. You can set up and inflate one of these inflatables in less than five minutes. They pack up into a small bag that contains the inflatable, inflator unit, and ropes. Find out more today.