Large Whale Props
This marine beast is among the largest existing mammals, so we thought it would be fun to make some into inflatable replicas. This inflatable whale comes in several different variations. The image above shows a black and white version of the popular humpback whale. While the humpback is a large animal, the blue whale smashes it at more than double its weight and size. Humpback whales communicate through singing songs, which have baffled scientists for years. Unfortunately these inflatable whales won't be doing any singing, but the blower systems will have them gently humming for as long as you want.
Warehoused whales below:
These large oceanic mammals don't typically eat people, so we'd like to call them our oceanic friends. Ever been whale watching? These large whales are known to be friendly and sociable. They're also highly intelligent. These wonderful traits have made whales a topic of interest for many. Setting up one of these in an aquarium or museum would be a good move. You can amaze kids and adults alike with one of these hanging from a ceiling. Since these are available for rent, you could get the pair, with a female and male. Maybe we'll make some babies to go along with the bunch.
The image above shows one of our humpbacks suspended in the air.
If whales could fly... These inflatable whales can be hung, thanks to built in D-rings. Since these are made from stainless steel, you don't have to worry about them breaking or rusting on you. Rest assured, if you hang this guy properly, it should'nt come down. Fortunately these inflatables don't weigh a lot, so it would'nt be much of a hazard anyway. Hanging an inflatable like this will dramatically increase its visibility.
Custom inflatable whale, built to last.