Triumph in knowledge.
Walk events are full of people wanting to make a difference. These types of events raise funds and help educate people on a multitude of deadly diseases currently decimating a good percentage of the human population today. If you're looking to bring in more people (and more funding) to your walk event, getting an inflatable printed archway is a perfect accessory to help you do that. People doing the walk will feel a sense of accomplishment once they pass that lovely arched finish line. If the race is on a closed circuit, then one arch can be both the start and the finish line. However, if the race starts at one point and ends at another, then getting two separate arches would be ideal. Just make sure to pick a nice, sunny day for your event.
The color pink seems to have an association to the pink ribbons from the early 90's, and as such, it continues that legacy today within this inflatable printed archway. Not only is pink now synonymous to breast cancer awareness, at least in America, it's also a very bright color that attracts a lot of attention. Maybe they should have gone with a fluorescent green instead? They'd get more attention that way for sure. But in order to know which colors affect certain emotions, you'd have to study psychology and color theory first. In any case, nice graphics and bright colors will definitely attract people, and maybe even animals to your event.