Canyon Bakehouse
Bread Loaf
8' Inflatable Product Replica
That is one big loaf of bread! This hyper-realistic inflatable product replica stands at 8 feet in height, making it incredibly easy to see anywhere you put it. You can use this inflatable prop at the store, or at a trade show. Put it up on a rooftop, or at your best friend's house, although, they might not want it there. Small and compact when it's not inflated, means you can take it anywhere your little heart desires. Since this inflatable is an airtight version, you just inflate it once and close the valve. It'll be inflated for months. Just make sure there's an electric outlet nearby so you can inflate it though.
We digitally print, A LOT. Thus, we can print any color, any art, any whatever you want. Looking for a small size? We can probably go as small as 3' in height. But if you're looking for something massive, we can probably go as big as maybe 80' in height! We've gone up to 60' with a massive cranberry for Ocean Spray. So if you need it big, we can make it.
Realistic texture, means people will love it. Our inflatable replicas are meant to look just like the real thing, and we make sure that that's exactly what you get. This inflatable bread loaf shows detailed images of huge bread slices, making it look very realistic. The high res art also makes it pop. So if you're looking for tough inflatable replicas, give us a call.