For the true fans.
This giant inflatable soccer ball, or football to the rest of the world, is based on the official ball of the 2014 World Cup. This highly detailed inflatable ball was constructed with heavy duty materials, in order to withstand the constant barrage of fans that would be touching it or taking photos with it. You'd be surprised how often these things get blasted with photos. A replica like this will definitely get people going over to it, so take advantage of the attention it brings. A custom inflatable ball with brilliant detail will not only legitimize your business, but enhance it as well.
Dreaming big.
These inflatable replicas make quite the splash anywhere they go. Usually, the larger the inflatable the more attention it brings. So the question when considering getting one of these is, how big do you want to go? We can make the ball as large as 70 feet if you're willing. A massive inflatable soccer ball that big will probably get you into the Guinness World Records. That's neat. So dare to dream big, because we can make it a reality.
This inflatable ball was based on the Brazuca ball which was the official ball of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. In order to get every detail for the replica, our design team had to carefully examine and photograph an official ball. The images were later transferred to a design program where they were merged with each other and edited to fit a continuous 3D sphere. Once merged, the printed panels were sewn together to produce the magnificent replica you see below. This ball represented the highest level of professional soccer in the world, and that's something to be proud of.
Custom inflatable ball, made to last.