You don’t become the “US best” by accident but by exerting the highest quality product and service. That is the story of Gillis Farms whom in collaboration with Promotional Design Group have enabled us to represent through exceptional design and powerful brand narratives an image that describes them best. This 10x15 pop up tent canopy really shows the quality of our work.
All tents can be outfitted with the many accessories we offer. This 10x 15 tent was designed with a large back wall that included large imagery and a logo to showcase who they are to their clients. It was also accompanied by a set of rail skirts that had a similar design to the back wall and it all made the design flow nicely. While they had large images on the accessories, the tent top was based on a more classic design that had their logo isolated on top, making it legible to those 500 feet away or closer.
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